شـبكة جنـين للـحوار

حياكم الله وبياكم واهلا وسهلا بكم في شبكتكم شبكة جنين للحوار ..

انضم إلى المنتدى ، فالأمر سريع وسهل

شـبكة جنـين للـحوار

حياكم الله وبياكم واهلا وسهلا بكم في شبكتكم شبكة جنين للحوار ..

شـبكة جنـين للـحوار

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
شـبكة جنـين للـحوار

    Our Present Duty


    عدد الرسائل : 14
    الأقامة : france
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29/08/2007

    pal Our Present Duty

    مُساهمة من طرف جيفارا الجمعة أكتوبر 26, 2007 7:25 pm

    Our Present Duty

    There is an offensive campaign that becomes more inflamed as time passes. This fierce campaign, reached its peak soon after the latest terrorist attack against the USA. In spite of the tyrannical strategy of Israel against Muslims and Arabs, which is the real factor behind the terrorism that goes on in all Muslim countries, the Israelis claim that it is Islam and Muslims who adopt terrorism! So, it has become an obligatory duty upon our shoulders to defend Islam and refute all these false claims.

    Whoever ponders deeply on the reality of the newspapers and magazine, will notice many respected writers and brilliant articles, which defend Islam and refute the futile pleas of the Israelis in a way that withstands argument. However, the most important thing is to circulate and announce these articles and make them accessible to the ignorant people of the West, who unknowingly attack Muslims and mosques without realizing who the real enemy is! Also, it is important to influence the decision makers and their dynamic strategy, which usually yields to public opinion, but in this case, we see that it actually overrides its own constitution and disables the rights of democracy.

    As I understand, this duty is the responsibility of all Muslim and Arab governments as well as the people they rule, as we all must shoulder this great mission. This can not be achieved unless all of us exert our efforts to clarify the true image of Islam. Each of us should be responsible for a certain frontier and go forward to carry and deliver the message of Islam. How can we bring this ideal into reality?

    I wish to provide a practical solution and invite all Muslims to follow it. As the Secretary General of the Egyptian Plastic Surgery Association, that represents all the plastic surgeons throughout Egypt, I have already sent letters to the guests of the Association during the last few years, especially to those who live in the United States and Europe. In these letters, I have outlined how Egypt dislikes the use of terrorism to gain political objectives. Egyptian leaders have been warned of the consequences of overlooking and even supporting terrorists. They have also shed light on the fact that Islam is a moderate religion calling for peace and tranquility, based on obedience to the laws of Allah, the Creator of all. I have received some replies to my letters. Some of them discussed the issue and some others sympathized with it.

    In addition, as a General Supervisor of the Social Services Committee, which belongs to Mustafa Mahmoud Mosque, we have already launched an effective campaign to translate some articles, which were published in some Arabic newspapers and magazines. From these we adopted three dimensions:

    1- We venture to say that there may in fact have been many likely groups, who may have been involved in the latest terrorist event in America. We also stress that accusing Muslims without solid evidence goes against International law and the very constitution of America itself. Such arbitrary conviction without proof is nothing short of disguised terrorism. For example, Muslims were accused of shelling the latest Russian airliner, as well as the Oklahoma disaster that took place a few years ago. After emotions cooled down, it was found that Muslims were in no way, shape of form involved at all! This dimension comes under the heading, ‘Why not pick on someone rather than the Muslims!’2- The struggle of Palestinians to achieve self-determination, cannot be equated with terrorism. Otherwise, all the European

    عدد الرسائل : 14
    الأقامة : france
    تاريخ التسجيل : 29/08/2007

    pal رد: Our Present Duty

    مُساهمة من طرف جيفارا الجمعة أكتوبر 26, 2007 7:26 pm

    exploits against Nazi imperialism, especially in France and Eastern Europe would be regarded in the same way. This approach bears the title, “Say ‘Anti Occupation not Terrorism.’ This includes the despotic practices of Zionists and their American counterparts.

    3- The third approach refers to the articles defending Islam and explaining it in clear, unambiguous terms. In this regard, simple expressions are used while complicated ones are avoided. We seek to introduce Islam as a religion calling us to work, do our utmost and develop in all aspects of our worldly life. On the other hand, we should be mindful of the Hereafter, expecting that we may die at any time. This approach adopts the title, ‘Islam on Trial’. We have already concluded an agreement with a distinguished association specialized in translation into English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. In the coming few days, our articles will also be translated into Hebrew and Russian and many other languages.

    Furthermore, we will publish these articles on the Internet. We are going to send as much as we can all over the world through e-mails. We will also do our utmost to publish them in foreign newspapers to introduce the true image of Islam to ordinary readers.

    Now we wonder, can we find support anywhere?

    You will be provided with the translations on completion of the ‘Data Base.’ We welcome any co-operation, correction and criticism so that our attempts should be a beginning for a unified, national activity, if Allah so wills!

    Professor Ahmad `Adil Nurud-Din

    Secretary General of the Egyptian Plastic Surgery Association &

    General Supervisor in the Social Cervices Committee, Mustafa Mahmoud Mosque

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