“If This Is Not Jewish Terrorism Then What Is?!”
By: Muhammad `Isa
The city of Jerusalem was violently shaken after the explosion of a bomb in the king David Hotel, in the afternoon of a summer day in 1946. A whole suite in the hotel was demolished, about 91 persons were killed and 46 were injured in the terrorist operation devised by the head of the Argon Zionist gang Menachem Begin.
Begin was elated by the success of his terrorist operation and waved with a clenched fist and screamed: “I kill therefore I exist”. And, he went and wrote with his bloodstained hand the details of the bombing of the hotel in his book “The Revolution”. In this book he elaborated in the description of his crime by mentioning that pieces of rod flew about everywhere from the pressure of the explosion and killed and injured the passerby. And that, the flying debris hit a British official and smashed him into the wall of the building facing the hotel.
Menachem Begin had plotted and devised bombing the king David Hotel in order to lash-out against the British Mandatory Authority on Palestine which made use of a suite in the hotel as a managing center for its officials. Begin aimed - by doing what he did - at compelling the British Authorities to leave Palestine making it therefore an easy prey to the Zionists. And, that was exactly what happened two years after the terrible incident.
Menachem Begin did not hesitate in committing this terrorist crime that seriously aggravated England in spite of the fact that it was the sole owner of Balfour’s Declaration that was issued in 1917, and that is considered the very first conspiracy -managed by a might European Western country- against Palestine by making it homeland of Jews!
But, Begin had no patience with what he considered slackness on behalf of the British Authorities in evacuating Palestine. Therefore, he devised the operation of bombing the hotel.
This is only a specimen that reveals the brutal violence that Zionist leaders take as their methodology. For, it is the same violence that Vlademir Jabotinsky was calling for day and night, and who is also the owner of this well-known saying “The Torah and the Sword have been ascended upon us from the sky”.
And, Begin has followed in Jabotinsky’s footsteps and made him his teacher and leader. For that reason, as soon as he (Begin) had won the elections year 1977 –putting the Leikud Extremist Party in authority for the first time- he paid a visit to Jabotinsky’s grave an action that was appraised and approved by General Ariel Sharon.
For, when General Sharon became the Israeli Prime Minister a few months ago his first statement was considered a military declaration in which he said that the war for Israeli independence that began in 1948 is still in action. Then, he began a defense campaign on behalf of Zionism and he let hell break loose from his arsenal that is fully equipped with American weapons in the attempt to bury the Palestinian Intifada (revolt).
And, when he was not successful in making the Palestinians surrender, he claimed that Arafat is no longer a partner in the peace process. Except that, Sharon’s actions and claims at that time failed to achieve his end.
When the 11th of September strike on America occurred, General Sharon tried to enlist the Palestine fedayee organization as terrorist organizations. But, he was unable to do that because America was cautious not to undermine the support of the International Alliance to its war against terrorism. Unfortunately, though, the defeat of Taliban and the Qa`ida organization went parallel with the escalation of Israel’s brutal aggression against the Palestinians, and it was what led to the Palestinians furious reaction that was expected by Sharon.
And, he intentionally dubbed all the Palestinian fedayee organizations as terrorists. Then, he went further –in an interview with an American Magazine- and exceeded the limits of all political and diplomatic conventions and claimed that Arafat himself is a terrorist.
And, what is interesting here is that Sharon does not assassinate Palestinians by the Zionist sword alone but has also for company the American green light. And, an eyewitness states that as soon as Sharon came back from his last visit to Washington he made haste to visit Menachem Begin’s grave and put a sword and old mementos from king David Hotel on his gravestone.
Al-Ahram: 18 December, 2001